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Henrietta Environmental Action Team - HEAT
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Stopping low density urban sprawl, protecting the natural environment and saving wet lands from uncontrolled development
 Meridian-Baseline State Historical Park

  Meridian-Baseline State Historical Park can be found on maps of the area. Trying to find it on the ground is another question. The exact location and means of access remain clouded in mystery and the state wants it to remain so.


Meridian-Baseline Park Map


  This unique, land locked park designates the spot where all township, range and section measurements begin for the entire state of Michigan. The original surveys started from East and West and closed on this spot. Well, not actually. They did not close by about 100 feet in the N-S direction so there are actually two monuments 100 feet apart. The park is not accessible to the public, but according to the DNR, is being preserved for its historic value. We would like to see it accessible to the public for its historic value to us, the citizens. We need make sure all interested parties have access to this one-of-a-kind Michigan site.


Meridian-Baseline Park Map     (One of) The Monument(s)


  • Michigan DNR Site

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